Dinosaur Speech TherapyJul 24Parent Perspectives: An Interview with a Parent of a Child with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)For more information on DLD, do refer to our article here . In this interview, Speech and Language Therapist Elizabeth Mui speaks to Mr...
Dinosaur Speech TherapyJul 23All About Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)Written by: Elizabeth Mui, Speech and Language Therapist Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is a condition that is more common than...
Dinosaur Speech TherapyJan 15, 2021Will speaking two (or more) languages cause my child's language development to be delayed?Will the learning of two languages at the same time cause cognitive overload and slow down the learning of languages for a child? Will it be
Dinosaur Speech TherapyJan 5, 20216 Tips For Helping A Child With Unclear SpeechWhat to do if your child's speech is unclear? There are several things parents can do. Here are some general tips.
Dinosaur Speech TherapyDec 26, 2020Does Speech Therapy Really Work?Does speech therapy really work? Or is it quack science?
Dinosaur Speech TherapyDec 12, 2020How often should my child have speech therapy?This is one of the most common questions speech therapists get and also one of the trickiest to give an answer for. The unpopular answer...
Dinosaur Speech TherapyDec 12, 2020How much does Speech Therapy cost in Singapore?(Updated Dec 2020) How much will it cost have a speech therapist see my child in Singapore? This is often one of the first questions we...
Dinosaur Speech TherapyNov 24, 2020Speech and Language Therapy? One thing or two?Confused when a Speech and Language Pathologist (SLP) refers to Speech and Language as two different things? You're not alone. Many...